Faculty of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology | 論文
- Performance of a New DS-CDMA Synchronization System Using Cycle-and-Add Property(Communication Theory, Information Theory and Its Applications)
- A Scheduling Method for Painting Line under Pull Production(Advanced Production Scheduling)
- A Fair and Wasteless Channel Assignment Protocol for Optical Dual Bus Networks
- Micro Pore Structure and Reaction Rate of Coke, Wood Charcoal and Graphite with CO_2
- Characterization of Relieved Non-metallic Inclusions in Stainless Steel by Image Processing of Micrographs
- Scattering and Induced Current Characteristics of a Beam Wave form Pits on Optical Disk using Boundary Element Method : COMPONENTS
- A Practical Method for Multi-Objective Scheduling through Soft Computing Approach(Advanced Production Scheduling)
- A Sequencing Problem for Mixed-Model Assembly Line with the Aid of Relief-Man(Advanced Production Scheduling)
- The New Concept for Electrowinning Process of Liquid Titanium Metal in Molten Salt (特集 New Trends in Molten Salt Chemistry and Electrochemistry)
- A Spoken Dialog System with Verification and Clarification Queries (Special Issue on Speech and Discourse Processing in Dialogue Systems)
- PEAS-I: A Hardware/Software Codesign System for ASIP Development (Special Section on the 6th Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems)
- A Discrete Fourier Analyzer Based on Analog VLSI Technology (Special Issue on Super Chip for Intelligent Integrated Systems)
- Investigation of Instrumented Impact Test and Loading Rate Dependency of Fracture Toughness in Brittle Polymers
- Morphological Classification of Inclusions in Steel by Image Processing of Micrograph
- Algorithms for Formula Manipulation Based upon Hashing Technique and their Applications to Pseudo-Boolean Programming
- Multi-Objective Optimization in Terms of Soft Computing
- VLSI-Oriented Multiple-Valued Current-Mode Arithmetic Circuits Using Redundant Number Representations (Special Issue on Multiple-Valued Integrated Circuits)
- Design and Evaluation of the Embedded Systems Architect Development Program Featuring Intensive Retreats and Project-Based Learning
- Effect of LTI Blending on Fracture Properties of PLA/PCL Polymer Blend