Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo | 論文
- 近赤外分光法による錠剤中主薬効成分の定性・定量
- ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応による大豆中組換え遺伝子の簡易検出
- S-8 フィブロネクチンおよびテネシン分子由来細胞接着調節性ペプチドによる細胞分化の制御
- 107(P-30) Macrosphelide (+)-A,(-)-A,(+)-Eの全合成(ポスター発表の部)
- B9 フィブロネクチン由来反接着性ペプチドによる悪性リンパ腫L5178Y-ML25の肝転移抑制作用の解析
- B8 フィブロネクチン分子内反接着部位の作用発現に対する細胞内cAMP濃度変化の影響
- B19 フィブロネクチン(FN)由来反接着性ペプチド(III14-2)によるタンパクチロシンリン酸化の制御とそれに基づいた接着及びアポトーシスの抑制
- B15 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitor AA861による肝伊東細胞の活性化制御
- 日本分析化学会の100周年を祝うために会員拡充を
- 生体試料中の医薬品分析
- Separation and Determination of Fluorescein Isothiocyanate-Labeled Amino Acids by Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection
- クロマトグラフィーの原理と実際(分ける化学)
- Determination of Organic Phosphates in Rat Heart Muscle with an Organic Phosphates Analyzer
- Determination of Organic Phosphates by Column-Switching High Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography Using On-Line Preconcentration on Titania
- Liposome Electrokinetic Chromatography as a Novel Tool for the Separation of Hydrophobic Compounds
- Energy Transfer Luminescence of Tb^ Complexed with Oxyethylene Compounds Containing Xanthene
- 薄層クロマトグラフィー-有機物-
- Stereochemical Studies. XIII. Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Mercaptosuccinic Acid by Chemical Correlation with Glyceraldehyde
- Studies on the Racemization of Amino Acids and Their Derivatives. III. The Effect of Alkyl-, Aralkyl- and Aryl-Side Chain at α-Position of Amino Acids on Their Base-Catalyzed Racemization
- Studies on the Racemization of Amino Acids and Their Derivatives. II. On the Deuterium-Hydrogen Exchange Reaction of Amino Acid Derivatives in a Medium of Deuterated Acetic Acid