Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University | 論文
- A Random Access Micro-Cellular System (Special Section on Mutli-dimensional Mobile Information Network)
- Effects of the Reflection Properties of Liquid-Crystal Displays on Subjective Ratings of Disturbing Reflected Glare
- Theoretical and Approximate Derivation of Bit Error Rate in DS-CDMA Systems under Rician Fading Environment (Special Section on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications)
- High Sensitivity Short-Path Monitoring of Trace Gases Employing PbSnTe Tunable Diode Laser
- 電気量制御装置による電析多層膜の構造改善
- Observations of mesospheric sporadic sodium layers with the MU radar and sodium lidars
- Electrical properties of conducting polymer/CNT composite films prepared on thin titanium dioxide layer(Evaluation of organic materials)
- Electrical properties of conducting polymer /CNT composite films prepared on thin titanium dioxide layer
- Electrodeposition of Sn-Ag-Cu Alloys (論文特集号 電解科学技術の進展)
- Ductility of 0.1-0.6C-1.5Si-1.5Mn Ultra High-strength TRIP-aided Sheet Steels with Bainitic Ferrite Matrix
- Effect of Poling Field on Piezoelectric Properties of KNbO3 Crystal Grown by Vertical Bridgman Method
- An Approach to ARMA Model Identification from Noise Corrupted Output Measurements
- Gyrator Effects on Magneto-Fluid Dynamic Turbulence in a Storong Magnetic Field
- Power-Sum Estimation of Electromagnetic Noise Radiated from High-Speed CMOS Printed Circuit Boards
- A Tunable Diode Laser Gas-Density Spectrometry with the Coverage from Trace Species to Rich Fuel Transients
- Preliminary Experiments of Light-Pulse Waveform Synthesizer Implementing Optical Bistability Circuit
- Analytical Description of Tunable Diode Laser Derivative Spectrometry
- Decomposition of Radioactive Organic Wastes with Supercritical Water Medium Containing RuO_2
- Fabrication of high thermal conductive aluminum/graphitic fiber composites by pulsed electric current sintering (特集 電磁プロセスの新展開)
- Ultrasonic Measurement of Concentration in Solutions by a Phase-Locked Loop Method