Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University | 論文
- Population structure and local differentiation in the delicate loach, Niwaella delicata, as revealed by mitochondrial DNA and morphological analyses
- Sex-specific Cortisol and Sex Steroids Responses in Stressed Sockeye Salmon during Spawning Period(Endocrinology)
- Current status of cetaceans and other marine mammals in the North Pacific, with a review of advanced research activities on cetacean biology in Japan
- Preface
- カゼインと澱粉を第一胃および第四胃に投与されたヤギの第一胃内窒素分画の量的考察(短報)〔英文〕
- Features of the ocular Harderian gland in three Balaenopterid species based on anatomical, histological and histochemical observations
- Population Differentiation in the Pacific White-sided Dolphin Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA and Microsatellite Analyses
- Production of androgenetic amago salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae with dispermy fertilization
- Effects of cryopreservation on sperm structure in Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii
- Motility of spermatozoa obtained from testes of Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii
- Optimal Control of Vibration by Wind Force on Running Vehicle
- High water-temperature tolerance in photosynthetic activity of Zostera marina seedlings from Ise Bay, Mie Prefecture, central Japan
- Temperature requirements for seed germination and seedling growth of Zostera marina from central Japan
- Temperature requirements for the growth of young sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida and Undaria undarioides (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)
- Estimation of light requirement for the growth of Zostera marina in central Japan
- Temperature requirements for the growth and maturation of the gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida and U. undarioides (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)
- Productivity of a Sargassum macrocarpum (Fucales, Phaeophyta) population in Fukawa Bay, Sea of Japan
- イセエビの水槽内における行動の自動計測
- Alleviation of rainbow trout egg softening caused by sodium hypochlorite as an antifungal agent