Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University | 論文
- Goadsporin, a Chemical Substance witch Promotes Secondary Metabolism and Morphogenesis in Streptomycetes : II. Structure Determination
- 地中海沿岸原産ナシ台木種の耐塩性はアジア原産台木種に比べ強い
- CaCl_2添加がニホンナシ台木種の塩ストレス軽減に及ぼす効果
- Primary Structure of Cytochrome c Gene from the White Root Rot Fungus Rosellinia necatrix(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Evaluation and Selection of a Medium for the Thermophilic Oxic Process
- ニホンナシ果実の発育, 成熟期におけるエチレン生成とポリアミンの関係
- Western Blotting for Ginseng Saponins, Ginsenosides Using Anti-ginsenoside Rb1 Monoclonal Antibody
- Isolation and Structures of AK-Toxin I and II, Host-specific Phytotoxic Metabolites Produced by Alternaria alternata Japanese Pear Pathotype
- Tomato as a model plant for plant-pathogen interactions
- ニホンナシ'秋栄'果実のみつ症発生に及ぼす夏季せん定及びジベレリン処理の影響
- エタノール代謝系遺伝子の発現解析によるカキ果実脱渋難易性の品種間差異の解明
- 不完全甘ガキ品種果実の自然脱渋に関わるピルビン酸脱炭酸酵素遺伝子の同定
- Fistupyrone, a Novel Inhibitor of the Infection of Chinese Cabbage by Alternaria brassicicola, from Streptomyces sp. TP-A0569
- Multiplication of isolate R-5 of Streptomyces galbus on rhododendron leaves and its production of cell wall-degrading enzymes
- Disease Resistance of Tissue-cultured Seedlings of Rhododendron after Treatment with Streptomyces sp. R-5
- Association of Induced Disease Resistance of Rhododendron Seedlings with Inoculation of Streptomyces sp. R-5 and Treatment with Actinomycin D and Amphotericin B to the Tissue-culture Medium
- Studies on Endophytic Actinomycetes (I) : Streptomyces sp. Isolated from Rhododendron and Its Antifungal Activity
- Experimental Head Injury with Lateral Impact Using Monkeys (Preliminary Report) : Dynamic and Pathological Investigation
- Experimental Head Injury in Monkeys : Concussion and Its Tolerance Level
- Development of the myocardial infarction-prone Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbit (WHHLMI rabbit) and the usefulness for studies about atherosclerosis