Disease Resistance of Tissue-cultured Seedlings of Rhododendron after Treatment with Streptomyces sp. R-5
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An endophytic actinomycete, Streptomyces sp. R-5, which had been isolated from a field-grown rhododendron plant, was used to protect rhododendron seedlings in tissue culture from Pestalotia disease caused by Pestalotiopsis sydowiana. R-5 had intense antagonistic activity against P. sydowiana without adversely affecting the seedlings in glass flasks. A suspension of R-5 was spread on the surface of the multiplication medium in glass flasks in which seedlings were growing. Ten days later, the 4th upper leaf of seedlings was inoculated with P. sydowiana and incubated for 14 days. In controls untreated with R-5, substrate mycelia of P. sydowiana grew on all leaves and stems above and below the 4th leaf within 2-3 days of inoculation. Such growth resulted in the wilting death of 54% of seedlings by 14 days. In contrast, only the inoculated leaves turned brown in ca. 90% of seedlings growing on medium treated with R-5. None of these seedlings died. Thus, treatment of the medium surface with R-5 efficiently protects the seedlings from infection by P. sydowiana. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that substrate mycelia of R-5 gnew on and beneath the cuticle of leaves of the treated scedlings. Fluorescent microscopy showed that R-5 was also inside the leaves.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 2001-11-25
Yoshida Ryuji
College Of Technology Toyama Prefectural University
Yoshida R
Department Of Agriculture Technology Toyama Prefectural University
SHIMIZU Masafumi
Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University
Institute for Biological Process Research, Akatsuka Garden Co. Ltd.
KUNOH Hitoshi
Institute for Biological Process Research, Akatsuka Garden Co. Ltd.
Kunoh Hitoshi
Institute For Biological Process Research Akatsuka Garden Co. Ltd.
Kunoh H
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Kunoh H
Mie Univ. Tsu‐city Jpn
Otani H
Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
Furuki T
Natural History Museum & Institute
SHIMIZU Masafumi
Laboratory of Ecological Circulation, Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
FUJITA Norikazu
Laboratory of Ecological Circulation, Mie University
Akatsuka Orchid Co.Ltd.
Akatsuka Orchid Co.Ltd.
College of Technology, Toyama Prefectural University
College of Technology, Toyama Prefectural University
ONAKA Hiroyasu
College of Technology, Toyama Prefectural University
Biotechnology Research Center, Toyama Prefectural University
KUNOH Hitoshi
Labiratory of Ecological Circulation, Mie University
Tomoyuki Fujita
Division Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osak
Fujita Tomoyuki
Dep. Of Sciences Of Functional Foods Graduate School Of Agriculture Shinshu Univ.
Nishimura Tomio
Institute For Biological Process Research Akatsuka Garden Co. Ltd.
Nishimura Tomio
Akatsuka Botanical Garden Co.
Nakagawa Yoshiko
Akatsuka Orchid Co. Ltd.
Kato Hisaharu
Laboratory Of Plant Pathology And Genetic Engineering College Of Agriculture Okayama University:(pre
Onaka H
Department Of Engineering Toyama Prefectural University
Shimizu Masafumi
Graduate School Of Bioresources Mie University
Fujita Norikazu
Laboratory Of Ecological Circulation Mie University
Shimizu Masafumi
Laboratory Of Crop Production And Ecology Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
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