Faculty Of Agriculture Meiji University | 論文
- Clinical Application of Chromogranin A as an Indicator of Stress : Changes in Autonomic Nervous Activity During Copulatory Behavior in Stallions
- Demographic Analysis of Breeding Structure in Japanese Thoroughbred Population
- The mRNA Expression of Neurocan, a Brain-Specific Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, in Neoplastic Mammary Glands in Mice
- Mouse TGF_α Gene Expression in Normal and Neoplastic Mammary Glands and Uteri of Four Strains of Mice with Different Potentials for Mammary Gland Growth and Uterine Adenomyosis
- Different Gene Expression of Mouse Transforming Growth Factor α between Pregnant Mammary Glands and Mammary Tumors in C3H/He Mice
- Carotenogenesis Pathway of Novel Carotenoid Glucoside Mycolic Acid Esters in Rhodococcus rhodochrous Using Carotenogenesis Mutants and Inhibitors
- A Thoroughbred Showing Development Disorder in the Pudendal Cleavage due to Chromosomal Mosaicism
- イヌの大腸内でButyrivibrio fibrisolvensが増殖するためのアミノ酸源としてのイヌ糞の評価
- ルーメンバクテリア, Streptococcus bovisのピルビン酸キナーゼの特性とその役割
- イヌの腸内混合菌培養系におけるButyrivibrio fibrisolvensの選択的増殖に有効な多糖類
- Effect of ethanol on nitrate and nitrite reduction and methanogenesis in the ruminal microbiota
- 乳酸利用の増強によるルーメンアシドーシスおよびメタン生成の抑制
- ルーメンにおける硝酸・亜硝酸還元の増強によるメタン生成の抑制のための Wolinella succinogenes の活用
- イヌ・ネコの腸内細菌と健康
- ネコの糞からの硝酸・亜硝酸還元能を有するStreptococcus bovisの単離とその評価
- Number of nitrate- and nitrite-reducing Selenomonas ruminantium in the rumen, and possible factors affecting its growth
- 亜硝酸還元能の高い新規な菌の単離とその導入によるルーメン内における亜硝酸還元の増強
- ネコの腸内細菌相に及ぼす亜硝酸の影響、およびその糞便からの亜硝酸還元菌の単離
- イヌの腸管内の酪酸生成菌
- Numbers of nitrate-reducing bacteria in the rumen as estimated by competitive polymerase chain reaction