Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University | 論文
- スギ林分の葉面積推定に関する基礎的研究 : シュート長あたりの針葉面積に及ぼす樹冠内光環境の影響
- QTL analysis for root penetration ability of a doubled haploid line derived from a cross between a paddy rice, Koshihikari and an upland rice, Sensho
- Evaluation of Root Penetration Ability in Rice Using the Wax-Layers and the Soil Cake Methods
- Root Penetration Ability of Vietnamese Tranditional Upland Rice Varieties
- 小規模草地内の水収支項の空間変動性に関する一実験
- Effects of Temperature, Sowing Depth and Soil Hardness on Seedling Establishment and Yield of Cambodian Rice Direct-seeded in Flood Paddy Fields(Agronomy)
- ヤギ下垂体における塩基性線維芽細胞成長因子の局在に関する免疫組織化学的研究
- Ultrastructural Studies of Gametophytic Apomicts in Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) II. Characteristics of Aposporous Initial Cell-derived Embryo Sac
- Ultrastructural Studies of Gametophytic Apomicts in Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) I. Differentiation of Aposporous Initial Cell
- エノキタケ廃培地を用いたシイタケ菌床栽培〔英文〕
- キハダ内樹皮中のベルベリン含有量の変種間差異ならびに樹幹部位,伐倒時期,樹齢による変動
- 4.森林利用部門(A.部門,I.研究動向)
- 4.森林利用部門(A.部門,I.研究動向)
- 4.森林利用部門(A.部門,I.研究動向)
- Functional Immobilization of Recombinant Alkaline Phosphatases Bearing a Glutamyl Donor Substrate Peptide of Microbial Transglutaminase(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Biodegradation of Phenolic Environmental Pollutants by a Surfactant-Laccase Complex in Organic Media(Environmental Biotechnology)
- Functionalization of the Cytochrome P450cam Monooxygenase System in the Cell-like Aqueous Compartments of Water-in-Oil Emulsions
- Factors Affecting the Oxidative Activity of Laccase towards Biphenyl Derivatives in Homogeneous Aqueous-Organic Systems(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- 加熱塩漬肉の発色促進に寄与する筋漿成分に関する研究(畜産学)
- 加熱塩漬肉の発色促進に寄与する筋漿成分に関する研究〔英文〕