Energy Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. | 論文
- Critical Power Evaluation with Consideration of Differences in Droplet Behavior due to Spacer Shape Infuence
- Power-Flattening Method for Boiling Water Reactor
- BWR Recirculation Line Break Simulation Tests at Two Bundle Loop
- Structural Stored Heat Effect on Pressure and Coolant Mass Changes during BWR Small Break Simulation Tests
- BWR Loss of Coolant Integral Tests with Two Bundle Loop, (II) : Effect of ECCS Activation Modes on Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics
- Uranium Extraction from Sea Water with Composite Adsorbents, (III) : Magnetic Properties of Composite Hydrous Titanium (IV)-Iron (II) Oxides and their Magnetic Separation
- Applicability of a Higher Order Taylor Series Expansion Method for Random Wave Simulations
- Investigation of Slip Correlation in Two-Phase Flow
- Experimental Study of Effect of Geometry on Density-Head-Driven Instability in Boiling Channels
- Adsorption of Cobalt Ions on Hematite Particles
- Magnetic analysis including the field due to vacuum vessel eddy currents in the Hitachi Tokamak(HT-2).
- Experimental Study on Heat Removal Characteristics for Water Wall Type Passive Containment Cooling System.
- Experimental Analysis on Mitigation of Thermal Stratification in the Suppression Pool of a Water Wall Type Passive Containment Cooling System.
- Structural Material Anomaly Detection System Using Water Chemistry Data, (VIII). Water Chemistry Simulator and Its Application to Resin Intrusion.:Water Chemistry Simulator and Its Application to Resin Intrusion
- Analysis of Droplet Behavior in BWR Separator.
- Spacer Effect on Liquid Film Flow and Critical Power in BWR Fuel Bundles.
- Nuclear Power Plant Operator Performance Analysis Using Training Simulators. Operator Performance under Abnormal Plant Conditions.:Operator Performance under Abnormal Plant Conditions
- Structural Material Anomaly Detection SystemUsing Water Chemistry Data, (VII). Diagnosing Causes of Small Changes in Water Chemistryby Analyzing On-Line Conductivity and pH Data.:Diagnosing Causes of Small Changes in Water Chemistry by Analyzing On-Line C
- Critical Power Experiments of Tight Fuel Rod Lattice for Light Water Reactors.
- A new method of startup planning for boiling water reactors.