Embryo Transfer Center Zen-noh | 論文
- 外因性卵胞刺激ホルモン(FSH)投与による過剰排卵誘起におけるインヒビン能動免疫の効果
- Acute and Chronic Regulation of ob mRNA Levels by β_3-Adrenoceptor Agonists in Obese Yellow KK Mice
- Trp64Arg Mutation of β_3-Adrenergic Receptor and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- Octreotide and Bromocriptine Suppress Thyroid Hormone Levels and Thyroid Nodule in an Acromegalic Patient with Nontoxic Autonomous Goiter
- Effect of CL316, 243, a Highly Specific β_3-Adrenoceptor Agonist, on Lipolysis of Epididymal, Mesenteric and Subcutaneous Adipocytes in Rats
- Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Induced by Lobenzarit Disodium Treatment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- A case of primary hyperparathyroidism that had been treated under a diagnosis of depression for 10 years
- Acromegalic Gigantism with Low Serum Level of Growth Hormone and Elevated Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I
- Inhibin B is the major form of inhibin secreted from testes in male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)
- Changes in Plasma Concentrations of Inhibin A and Inhibin B Throughout Sexual Maturation in the Male Chimpanzee
- Efficacy of Glimepiride in Patients with Poorly Controlled Insulin-treated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Active Immunization against Inhibin Improves Superovulatory Response to Exogenous FSH in Cattle
- A case of a flare-up of systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjogren's syndrome manifesting with cholecystitis secondary to pregnancy
- Pyogenic Clavicular Osteomyelitis Associated with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation and Acute Renal Failure in a Patient with Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- Roles of the Basal Level of LH and FSH in the Regulation of Follicular Development during Pseudopregnancy in the Rat
- Involvement of Ovarian Inhibin and Steroid Hormones in the Regulation of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Secretion during Pseudopregnancy in the Rat