Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo | 論文
- A2-05 霧島新燃岳2011年1月26日噴火前後の地殻変動(新燃岳2011年噴火,口頭発表)
- A1-12 新燃岳周辺の広帯域地震・空振観測網の展開と噴火推移の把握(新燃岳2011年噴火,口頭発表)
- P18 伊豆大島における広帯域MT観測(ポスターセッション)
- Decreased b-value prior to the M 6.2 Northern Miyagi, Japan, earthquake of 26 July 2003
- Impact process of boulders on the surface of asteroid 25143 Itokawa―fragments from collisional disruption
- Mass budget of the magma flow in the 2000 volcano-seismic activity at Izu-islands,Japan
- Mapping the upper mantle discontinuities beneath China with teleseismic receiver functions
- 113 SELENE搭載LISM/地形カメラの成果と今後の展望(オーラルセッション3 月I)
- 霧島新燃岳噴火に伴う臨時地震・空振観測点の設置 (霧島山新燃岳噴火特集)
- 2011年霧島山新燃岳噴火への対応 (霧島山新燃岳噴火特集)
- K-Ar Ages of a basanitoid lava flow of Nanzaki Volcano and underlying Miocene andesites from the Irozaki area,Izu Peninsula central Japan(短報)
- Precise aftershock distribution and crustal structure in and around the northern focal area of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake
- Spatial distribution of earthquakes off the east coast of the Kanto region along the Japan Trench deduced from ocean bottom seismographic observations and their relations with the aftershock sequence of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- Paleomagnetism of a pyroclastic flow deposit and its correlative widespread tephra in central Japan : Possible tectonic rotation since the late Pleistocene
- Aftershock observation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake by using ocean bottom seismometer network
- Overview of a special issue on "geotectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands under new paradigms of the next generation (part 1-3)" (特集号 日本列島形成史と次世代パラダイム(Part 2))
- 国際極年における南極大陸での広帯域地震学研究 (総特集 青い地球と白い大陸の地震学 : 固体地球振動特性と不均質構造・ダイナミクスの解明(1))
- 千葉県と茨城県におけるオンライン広帯域地震観測網の整備 : 平成23年東北地方太平洋沖地震後の広帯域地震観測網強化を目的として (東北地方太平洋沖地震特集)
- Effects of water load on geophysical signals due to glacial rebound and implications for mantle viscosity
- Relationship between geologic structure and the source fault of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake, central Japan