Department of physics, Tohoku University | 論文
- 27pZL-12 液体重水素標的における光子によるK^0生成過程(理論核物理,実験核物理合同ハイパー核)(理論核物理)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 30pZB-10 低移行運動量領域における^O(e,e'p)反応相対論的計算との比較及び中間子交換電流の寄与(軽イオン)(実験核物理)
- Observation of S_ (1535) in Nuclei via (γ, η) with STB Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 27aZC-8 GeV領域におけるパイオン光生成反応の研究(ハドロン・中間子等)(実験核物理)
- Radiation Hardness Test of a Silicon Strip Detector by Electron Beam Irradiation(I. Nuclear Physics)
- The 200 MeV Bremsstrahlung Tagged Photon Beam at LNS-Sendai(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 1aSB-6 高分解能標識光子実験装置の開発研究
- Crystal Structure and Charge-Ordering in La_Ca_CoO_4 Studied by Neutron and Resonant X-ray Scattering(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Hyperons as a Probe of Nuclear Deformation
- Energy Calibration of the STB-Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 28pSC-17 核理研 STB-Tagger のエネルギー校正
- Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Carbon in the Threshold Region(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 30aSG-11 シリコンストリップ検出器の電子線による放射線損傷の測定
- Stable High-Brightness Electron Beam System with a Photocathode RF Gun for Short Pulse X-Ray Generation by Thomson Scattering
- Two Dimensional Rotational Temperature Measurement by Multiline Laser Induced Fluorescence of Nitric Oxide in Combustion Flame
- 28pSC-11 重水素化液体シンチレーション標的の性能
- Search for Two Nucleon States by the ^C (γ, pn) ^B Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Nonlinear Field Dependence of Electric Conductivity above the Superconducting Transition