Department of Urology, Shimane Medical University | 論文
- Adsorption of Coliphage T4D to the Mammalian Cells and Interaction between the Phage and Smegmatocin 14468 on the Mammalian Cells
- Characterization of Arginine as a Receptor Component for Coliphage T2H and Regions for Production of Phage Virion
- Traumatic rhabdomyolysis resulting from continuous compression in the exaggerated lithotomy position for radical perineal prostatectomy
- Case of IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis with concomitant rheumatoid arthritis
- Initial evaluation of prostate cancer with real-time elastography based on step-section pathologic analysis after radical prostatectomy : A preliminary study
- Postoperative morbidity, functional results and quality of life of patients following orthotopic neobladder reconstruction
- Effect of zoledronic acid on metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer resistant to taxane, estramustine, carboplatin, and dexamethasone
- First Principles Calculations of 1-methoxymethyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Adsorption on Graphene
- Relationships between Urinary Levels of Ulinastatin and .ALPHA.1-Microglobulin and the Severity of Alzheimer-Type or Vascular Dementia.