Department of Physics Tokyo University of Education | 論文
- On the Effective Coupling Strength in the Static Pion Theory
- Electron Plasma Oscillations Excited by Two-Beam Instability and Nonlinear Coupling between Them
- Photoprotons from Fluorine and Carbon
- The Energy Levels of Te^
- Ion Saturation Current of a Plasma Having Two Electron Temperatures
- Microwave Spectra of SPCl_3, Experimental
- Low-Lying States in ^9Be and ^9B
- Forward Production Cross Sections for Baryons and Baryon Resonances by Neutrino
- Neutrinoproduction of Baryons with Ary Spin
- On the Propagation of Quantum Wave : Generalized Random Phase Approximation
- Proton-Proton Bremsstrahlung at 51.8 MeV
- Transverse Momentum Distribution in the Nielsen-Olesen Model
- Zeeman Study on Nuclear Quadrupole Resonances in AsI_3 and AsI_3・3S_8
- β-spectra of Fe^, Rb^, Tc^, Cs^and the Coupling Constants of Scalar and Tensor Interactions in β-decay
- A Method of Recovering Extremely Deteriorated Si (Li) Detectors
- Inclusive Reaction in the Multiperipheral Model. I : π and K Distributions in the Pionization Region
- A Possible Explanation of Inclusive Spectra at Large Transverse Momentum
- ππ-, πK and KK^^--Distributions in the Pionization Region
- SU(3) Crossing Relation for Meson-Baryon Scattering and Regge Pole Theory
- Finite Energy Sum Rules for 10+10^* and 27 Mesons