Department of Physics, kyoto University | 論文
- Various Synchronization Phenomena in Discrete-Time Coupled Chaotic Rotors(General and Mathematical Physics)
- D.Bouwmeester, A.Ekert, A.Zeilinger著編, 西野哲朗,井元信之監訳, 量子情報の物理-量子暗号,量子テレポーテーション,量子計算-, 共立出版, 東京, 2008, xiv+384p, 22×15cm, 本体5,300円, [大学院向], ISBN978-4-320-03431-0
- タンパク質の構造・運動とその進化(タンパク質構造と進化と情報幾何) (離散力学系の分子細胞生物学への応用数理)
- DECIGO/BBO as a Probe to Constrain Alternative Theories of Gravity
- The Nature of Primordial Fluctuations from Anisotropic Inflation(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- First-Order Quark-Hadron Phase-Transition in a NJL-Type Model for Nuclear and Quark Matter : The Case of Symmetric Nuclear Matter(Nuclear Physics)
- Effective Potential in the Strong-Coupling Lattice QCD with Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order Effects(Nuclear Physics)
- 21aEF-7 たんぱく質分子の分子動力学による時系列解析ver4(21aEF 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 21aBF-10 非相対論的な巻き付きブレーンガスの密度揺らぎの研究(21aBF ソリトン・非可換・宇宙,素粒子論領域)
- CT-based 3D Dose-Volume Parameter of the Rectum and Late Rectal Complication in Patients with Cervical Cancer Treated with High-Dose-Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy
- Analysis of the Relaxation Process Using Nonrelativistic Kinetic Equation(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Packing a semi-flexible molecular chain (結び目とソフトマター物理学--高分子のトポロジー、そして物理学、数学および生物学における関連する話題)
- 21pBC-9 ウェーブレット変換を用いた^Caと^Pbの巨大四重極共鳴強度関数のゆらぎの分析(21pBC 多体基礎論,理論核物理領域)
- Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries in Particle Physics
- A Holographic Dual of Bjorken Flow(Nuclear Physics)
- Galaxy Formation by Cosmic Strings : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Chapter II Evolution of the Expanding Hot Universe
- On the Dissipation of Primordial Turbulence in the Expanding Universe
- Galaxy Formation and the Primordial Turbulence in the Expanding Hot Universe
- Cooling of Pre-Galactic Gas Clouds by Hydrogen Molecule