Department of Physics, Waseda University | 論文
- 28aEB-4 量子力学の可視化についてII(28aEB 物理教育,領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
- Higher Order Symmetry and Bifurcation of the Period-2 Step-1 Accelerator Mode in the Standard Map
- A Power-Independent Term in the Quantum-Limited Linewidth for the Scully-Lamb Laser Model : General Physics
- 30aPS-43 三次元長距離力系における熱平衡状態と力学的進化(30aPS 領域11ポスターセッション,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- A-11: Non-Gaussianity of One-Point Distribution Functions in Euler-Jeans-Newton Model(Part II: Poster Contributions, The Next Chapter in Einstein's Legacy)
- Normal and Abnormal Absorption Coefficients of X-Rays
- フーコーの振り子の回転角を工作で求める(私の工夫)
- Transverse Momentum Dependence of Hanbury Brown-Twiss Radii of Pions from a Perfectly Opaque Source with Hydrodynamic Flow
- Deep Inelastic Structure of e-p Scattering and Relativistic Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model
- The Real to Imaginary Ratio of the Forward Scattering Amplitude in Charge Exchange Processes
- Electromagnetic Inelastic Form Factors of Processes ep→eN^* in a Relativistic Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model
- Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors at High Momentum Transfers in an Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model
- Structure and Excitation Mechanism of the N^* in Photoproduction γ+p→N^*
- The Experimental Test of the SU(3) Symmetry in the High Energy Two-Body Reactions
- Gutzwiller-Type Projected BCS Ground States for Attractive Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions
- Dynamical Parton Energy Loss in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
- Non-Zero Elastic Amplitude Real Part Effects and Nucleon Recoil Effects on Relationship between Elastic Diffraction Scattering and Inelastic Collisions at High Energies
- Inner Symmetry in Baryon Structures and Leptonic Decays
- A Modified Cascade Model for Hadron-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies(Hadron-Nucleus Collisions,Proceedings of the Multiparticle Dynamics)
- A Modified Cascade Model for Hadron-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies