Department of Physics, Waseda University | 論文
- Microscopic Study of d-^4He Scattering by RGM with Distortion Effect
- Study of Distortion Effects in the Elastic d-^4He Scattering by Orthogonality Condition Model
- Effect Due to the Pauli Principle and Channel Coupling : Inner Repulsive Effect and Resonance-Like Contribution
- New Method of High Energy Jet Shower Analysis : Relative Four-Momentum between Secondary Particles
- 2P225 Torque and Potential measurement of F1-ATPase(37. Molecular motor (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Magnetic Ordering of Rare Earth Ions and Magnetic-Electric Interaction of Hexagonal RMnO_3 (R=Ho, Er, Yb or Lu)
- Kikuchi Patterns and Inelastic Scattering
- Non-Commutative Differential Geometry and Standard Model
- Modified Reconstruction of Standard Model in Non-Commutative Differential Geometry : Particles and Fields
- BRST Symmetry and the Scale Transformation of Ghost Fields in Gauge Theory on NC Spacetime(Particles and Fields)
- Note on Two-Higgs-Doublets Model in Non-Commutative Differential Geometry
- Unified Treatment of Gauge and Higgs Fields in Non-Commutative Differential Geometry
- Gauge Theory on Discrete Space M_4×Z_N and SU(5) GUT in Non-Commutative Geometry : Particles and Fields
- Spontaneous Pauli-Villars Regularization in Induced Kaluza-Klein Theory with S^N Extra Space : Progress Letters
- Harmonic Expansions of Fields and Fermion Mass Problem in Generalized Kaluza-Klein Theory
- On the Lepton-Quark Masses
- Gauge Symmetries in Generalized kaluza-Klein Theories
- Solution Solutions of Coupled Field Equation and Suggestion of the Soliton Bag in Dynamical Particle Model
- Derivation of a Generalized Stochastic Path-Integral Formulation Based on Ito Calculus : Particles and Fields
- Veneziano-Type Vertex Function and Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor