Department of Physics, Tokyo University | 論文
- Some Aspects of Many-Body Problem
- The Perturbative QCD and the e^+e^- Single Particle Inclusive Reaction
- Angular Distribution of the Deuteron Photodisintegration at Moderate Energies
- On the Nature of Silent Electric Discharge
- Fractal Basin Structure : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- On the Properties of Long-Gap Streamers
- Ambiguities in Quantized Field Theories
- Applications of Cut Vertex Method to Parity Violating Processes
- Nuclear Disintegration caused by Cosmic-Rays
- Two-Loop Anomalous Dimensions of Timelike Cut Vertices and Scaling Violation of Fragmentation Functions in QCD
- Fractal Dimension of Strange Repellers in One-Dimensional Iterated Mappings : General and Mathematical Physcis
- Interference Terms of β-ray Angular Correlations
- On the Production of Mesons by X-rays
- Strings at High and Low Temperatures : Particles and Fields
- Systematic Treatment of General Time-Dependent Harmonic Oscillator in Classical and Quantum Mechanics
- On the Hall Effect in Bismuth at Low Temperature
- A Theory of Antiferromagnetism
- Proper Time Formulation for the General Dual Amplitude
- Note on the Formal Solution of the Tomonaga-Schwinger Equation.
- Effect of Nuclear Binding on Meson Production