Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University | 論文
- 女性のライフサイクルと骨塩量(BMD)に影響を及ぼす多様な因子
- 当科におけるホルモン補充療法の現状
- Effects of Weight Loss on Bone Mineral Density in Rats
- Changes of Bone Mineral Density in Pregnant and Postpartum Women
- Uterine lipoleiomyoma : A histopathological review of 17 cases
- HTLV-1 provirus load in peripheral blood lymphocytes of HTLV-1 carriers is diminished by green tea drinking
- High-Performance Affinity Adsorbents for Trypsin-Family Enzymes Prepared with TSKgel G3000PW(Biological)
- Risks and Pregnancy Outcome in Women With Prosthetic Mechanical Heart Valve Replacement
- Preoperative plasma osteopontin level as a biomarker complementary to carbohydrate antigen 125 in predicting ovarian cancer
- Retroperitoneal uterine leiomyoma occurring 5 years after hysterectomy for fibroids
- Isolation and Characterization of Two Chitin Synthase Genes from Aspergillus nidulans
- 14. 新生児の管理と治療(C. 産科疾患の診断・治療・管理)(研修医のための必修知識)
- Characterization of Human p33/41 (Annexin IV), a Ca^ Dependent Carbohydrate-Binding Protein with Monoclonal Anti-annexin IV Antibodies, AS11 and AS17
- Porcine Vitronectin, the Most Compact Form of Single-Chain Vitronectin: The Smallest Molecular Mass among Vitronectins Was Ascribed to Deletion and Substitution of Base Pairs, and Proteolytic Trimming of the Peptide^1
- Expression of Carbohydrate-Binding Protein p33/41 in Human Tumor Cell Lines
- A Placebo-Controlled, Single-Blind Study to Determine the Appropriate Alendronate Dosage in Postmenopausal Japanese Patients with Osteopotosis
- Relationship of upper body fat distribution to higher regional lean mass and bone mineral density
- Differences in Leptin Production by Regional Fat Mass in Postmenopausal Women
- Changes in endometrial wave-like movements in accordance with the phases of menstrual cycle
- Waist to Hip Circumference Ratio as a Significant Predictor of Preeclampsia, Irrespective of Overall Adiposity