Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University | 論文
- Angular Distribution of Neutron Flux around the Tritium Target of 14 MeV Neutron Generator
- Low-temperature electrical resistivity of single crystalline uranium monocarbide(UC).
- Irradiation of uranium carbides in JMTR.
- Quenched-in resistivity of uranium dicarbide.
- Activation cross section of 92Mo(n,n'.ALPHA.)88Zr at 14 MeV.
- Dependence of Position Signal on Pressure of Counting Gas in Charge Division Type Position-Sensitive Proportional Counter.
- Simple and Quick Measurement of Neutron Flux Distribution by Using an Optical Fiber with Scintillator.
- Measurement of Activation Cross Sections on Tantalum and Tungsten with 14MeV Neutrons.
- A New Method of Neutron Wave Measurements
- Cross section measurements of (n,n') and (n,2n) reactions on zirconium and lead targets at 14.8 MeV.
- Neutron activation cross section of molybdenum isotopes at 14.8MeV.
- Formation cross sections of zirconium-90m and lead-207m with fast neutrons.
- Fast Neutron Automatic Activation System
- Decay of Ce-147 to levels of Pr-147.