Department of Neurosurgery Nagoya University School of Medicine | 論文
- Basal Meningioma. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Considerations
- B-34. Change of Neurotological Examination after Craniotomy
- Retrovirally engineered T-cell-based immunotherapy targeting type III variant epidermal growth factor receptor, a glioma-associated antigen
- Molecular Neurosurgery Using Gene Therapy to Treat Malignant Glinoma
- 3. Some Problems of Determination of Target Point in Stereotaxic Operation
- Choroid Plexus Hemangioma with Port-wine Nevus of the Face:Relationship to Sturge-Weber Syndrome : Case Report
- A-100. Thte Experimental Investigation foe the Cerebral Vasospasm.The Micro-Vasculature in Hypothalamus and Brain Stem
- The Pathogenesis of Pressure Wavws
- Abducens Nerve Neurinoma : Case Report
- 62. Effect of Various Drugs on Cerebral Arterial Spasm : Vasoreacivity in the Early and Late Spam
- Preoperative Short-term Administration of Octreotide for Facilitating Transsphenoidal Removal of Invasive Growth Hormone-secreting Macroadenomas
- Arteriovenous Malformation Associated with Moyamoya Disease : Case Report
- Modified Head Fixation System for Intraoperative CT Scanning : Technical Note
- Digitally Controlled Neurosurgical Operating Table : Technical Note
- 22. Topographical Distribution of the Evoked Potentials on Thalamrc Ventrolateral and Dorsolateral Nuclei Stimulation
- Neural Activation and Glucose Metabolism in Hemodynamic Ischemia
- A new thin endoscopic method of transanal drainage tube insertion for acute colonic obstruction due to colorectal cancer.
- Primary Intracranial Germinoma Involving the Medulla Oblongata : Case Report
- 21. On the Propagation of thc After-discharge in SEEG Recordings
- Effect of Combined Treatment with Magnetic Induction Hyperthermia and Chemotherapy in a Rabbit Brain Tumor Model