Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University | 論文
- Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Lead-free Solders Using Indentation Method
- Influence of silane coupling agent on the bonding of orthodontic brackets to porcelain teeth
- Effectiveness of bone marrow transplantation for revitalizing a severely necrotic small bone : experimental rabbit model
- Investigation of Effect of Pre-Strain on Very High-Cycle Fatigue Strength of Austenitic Stainless Steels
- Superior mesenteric arterial embolism : treatment by trans-catheter thrombo-aspiration
- Numerical simulation on hydrogen fuel jetting from high pressure tank
- Zeros of Partition Function and High Temperature Expansion for the Two-Dimensional Ising Models : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Critical Compressibility Factor of Two-Dimensional Lattice Gas : Kagome and Diced Lattices : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Photoelastic Analysis from a Single Image Using Elliptically Polarized Tricolored Light
- Evaluation of Time-Dependent Fracture Mechanics Parameters of a Moving Crack in a Viscoelastic Strip
- Two Adaptive Robust Sliding Mode Controllers for Robot Manipulators
- Focusing of Reflected Shock Waves Analyzed by Means of Geometrical Shock Dynamics
- Interaction of Supersonic Expansion Flow with Boundary Layer in Unsymmetrical Duct
- Photoviscoelastic Stress and Strain Analysis around a Surface Groove under Rolling Contact Load
- Effect of Sublimation of Ice on Evaporation Phenomenon of Ethanol Solution
- Determining Stress Components from Isopachic Contours Using Airy Stress Function
- A Hopping Mechanism through the Use of Resonance (An Analytical Study and Proposal for an Effective Hopping Method)
- Digital Image Correlation Strain Analysis for the Study of Wrinkle Formation on Facial Skin
- Seismic Response of Tall and Flexible Structure on Ground Including Contact Problem