Department of Life and Environment Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu | 論文
- Evaluation of a bioreactor with stacked sheet shaped organoids of primary hepatocytes(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Hepatic Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells in a Three-Dimensional Culture System Using Polyurethane Foam(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Ductal carcinoma in situ : correlation between FDG-PET/CT and histopathology
- Effect of Green Tea on Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Mouth Air
- Embryoid body culture of mouse embryonic stem cells using microwell and micropatterned chips(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- INDUCTION OF BLOOD VESSELS FROM UNDIFFERENTIATED XENOPUS EXTODERM (ANIMAL CAP) BY ACTIVIN A(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Comparison of the Oral Flora of Independent Elderly and Those Requiring Nursing Assistance
- Differentiation and Regeneration of Adrenal Tissues : An Initial Step toward Regeneration Therapy for Steroid Insufficiency
- Laterality in Responce of Brain Activity during Mirror Therapy using Near-infrared Spectroscopy
- Usefulness of flow cytometry for differential diagnosis of precursor and peripheral T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas : Analysis of 490 cases
- Immunocytochemical Localization of GPIIb/IIIa on Platelet Surface after Thrombin Stimulation
- Dental infection associated with nummular eczema as an overlooked focal infection
- Incorporation of β-amyloid protein through the bovine ileal epithelium before and after weaning : Model for orally transmitted amyloidoses
- Characterization of mouse embryoid bodies cultured on microwell chips with different well sizes(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)