Department of Food Science and Nutrition | 論文
- Zn^安定化La含有M型フェライトの合成と磁気的性質
- Sr_(La, AM)_x-M型フェライトの合成と磁気的性質(AM=Na, K)
- Stabilizing Effect of Grape Seed Extract on Ascorbic Acid
- LaNi_5系合金のプロチウム吸蔵特性および電気化学特性に及ぼす化学的エッチングの影響
- High Pressure Synthesis of Hydride in Li-Y System
- Optimum Hydrogen Desorption Properties in LiH-LiOH Composites
- Grain-Size Refinements of Cu-3 mass%Ti Alloys by HDDR Treatments in Correlating with Their Electrical and Mechanical Properties
- Effects of Absorption-Desorption Cycles on Protium Absorption Properties in Ti-Cr-M Alloys (M=V, Mo, Al)
- Effects of Protide Structures on Hysteresis in Ti-Cr-V Protium absorption Alloys
- Effect of Absorption-Desorption Cycles on Structure and Stability of Protides in Ti-Cr-V Alloys
- Effects of Al Addition on Structures and Protium Absorption-Desorption Properties of Ti-Cr Alloys
- Cyclic Properties of Protium Absorption-Desorption in Ti-Cr-V Alloys
- Crystal Structure and Protium Absorption Properties of Ti-Cr-X Alloys
- Protium Absorption-Desorption Properties of Ti-V-Cr-(Mn, Ni) Alloys
- New Vanadium-based Protium Absorbing Alloys with Laves Phases Along Grain Boundary
- Crystal Structure and Hydrogen Absorption Properties of La(Ni, M)_x(M=Al, Co, Mn, Si. x=3-7)Melt-Spun Ribbons
- High Pressure Synthesis of Novel Mg(Ni_Cu_x)_2 Hydrides (x = 0-0.2)
- High-Pressure Synthesis of Novel Hydride in Mg-Ni (-H) System
- Water Soluble Proteinous Substances as Free Radical-Scavengers in Fish
- Volatile flavor compounds of some sea fish and prawn species