Department of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- A case of aorto-right atrial tunnel associated with aortic and tricuspid atresia
- Extensive Study of the Soft-Rotator Model Hamiltonian Parameters for Medium and Heavy Even-Even Nuclei
- 8p-CD-18 63MeVにおけるD(n,p)2n反応による中性子散乱長
- 4p-PSK-2 スペクトログラフRAIDEN用レイトレース測定系
- 4a-C-2 (d,p)反応によるCa同位体核の単空孔状態の研究
- 1p-H-5 (p,d)反応による^Caの深部空孔状態に関する研究
- 30p-E-5 大型分割電極型位置検出比例計数管に関する基礎研究
- 7p-F-5 分割陰極読み出しによる大型焦点面検出器,位置検出の基礎研究
- Transcatheter Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using a 0.052-Inch Coil : Immediate Results
- Development of Soft X-Ray Sources with Electron Guns of Field Emission- and Thermal Cathode-Types and Their Application to Counter Experiments
- Non-Linearity in Position Sensing with Cathode Strips of a Single Wire Proportional Counter
- Characteristics of the Self-Quenching Streamer Mode in a Gas Counter
- Two-Dimensional Analysis of Energy Conversion Efficiency for a Traveling Wave Direct Energy Convertor
- Plasma Energy Recovery from a D-3^He Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor
- Evaluation of Neutron Cross Sections of Carbon-12 for Energies up to 80 MeV
- Applicability of Optical Model Potentials for Intermediate-Energy Nuclear Data Evaluations in the 1p-shell Mass Region
- Simultaneous Evaluation of Fission Cross Sections of Uranium and Platonium Isotopes for JENDL-3.3
- Electrochemical Properties of Uranyl Ion in Ionic Liquids as Media for Pyrochemical Reprocessing
- 30p-PS-14 SWPCにおける縦方向ドリフト特性の測定
- 13p-PS-6 レイ・トレース法による^Fe(p^^→, d)反応の測定