Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Hospital | 論文
- 成人生体肝移植症例において, ラベプラゾールの併用はタクロリムスの血中濃度推移に影響を及ぼさない
- Genotyping of cytochrome P450 isoform genes is useful for forensic identification of cadaver
- Simultaneous analyses of hypoglycemic agents and C-peptide are essential in a homicide case with the combined dosing insulin and insulin-releasing drug
- The tissue distribution of lidocaine in acute death due to overdosing
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of paclitaxel with carboplatin or gemcitabine, and effects of CYP3A5 and MDR1 polymorphisms in patients with urogenital cancers
- Evaluation of Calvert's Formula for Dosage Adjustment of Carboplatin in Japanese Patients with Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer(Biopharmacy)
- Temporal Decline in Sirolimus Elimination Immediately After Pancreatic Islet Transplantation
- Delayed Effect of Grapefruit Juice on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Tacrolimus in a Living-Donor Liver Transplant Recipient
- 腎上皮細胞におけるクレアチニンの経細胞輸送
- Required Transient Dose Escalation of Tacrolimus in Living-Donor Liver Transplant Recipients with High Concentrations of a Minor Metabolite M-II in Bile
- Interaction between Tacrolimus and Lansoprazole, but not Rabeprazole in Living-Donor Liver Transplant Patients with Defects of CYP2C19 and CYP3A5
- Common single nucleotide polymorphisms of the MDR1 gene have on influence on its mRNA expression level of normal kidney cortex and renal cell carcinoma in Japanese nephrectomized patients
- タクロリムス併用の膵島移植患者では, 同一血中濃度に維持するためにシロリムスに比べてエベロリムスでより多くの投与量を必要とする
- A Retrospective Analysis of Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics in Japanese Cancer and Non-cancer Patients Based on Routine Trough Monitoring Data(Biopharmacy)
- 新規免疫抑制薬エベロリムスの初回通過効果とカルシニューリン阻害薬との相互作用
- Protective Effects of Quinaprilat and Trandolaprilat, Active Metabolites of Quinapril and Trandolapril, on Hemolysis Induced by Lysophosphatidylcholine in Human Erythrocytes
- Improved high-performance liquid chromatographic detection of paclitaxel in patient's plasma using solid-phase extraction, and semi-micro-bore C_ separation and UV detection
- Time-saving multiplex detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms by ultrasensitive DNA microarray
- Detection of landiolol using high-performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence : A blood esterase-sensitive ultra-short-acting β_1-receptor antagonist