Interaction between Tacrolimus and Lansoprazole, but not Rabeprazole in Living-Donor Liver Transplant Patients with Defects of CYP2C19 and CYP3A5
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-04-25
Department of Pharmacy, Kyoto University Hospital
MASUDA Satohiro
Department of Pharmacy, Kyoto University Hospital
TAKADA Yasutsugu
Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
OGURA Yasuhiro
Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
OIKE Fumitaka
Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
INUI Ken-ichi
Department of Pharmacy, Kyoto University Hospital
Ogura Yasuhiro
京都大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部
Ogura Yasuhiro
Department Of Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Katsura Toshiya
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kamoto T
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Oike Fumitaka
Department Of Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Oike Fumitaka
Department Of Endocrine And Transplantation Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Uemoto Shinji
京都大学医学部附属病院 病理診断部
Uemoto Shinji
Department Of Transplantation Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Ogura Yasuhiro
Department Of Surgery And Oncology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Kamba Tomomi
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Hospital Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Sakamoto Masato
Department Of Radiation Oncology And Image-applied Therapy Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto Univers
Kotake Toshihiko
Department Of Urology Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases
Hashida Tohru
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Inui Ken-ichi
Department Of Pharmacy Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kanou Takehiro
Department Of Urology Faculty Of Medicine Saga University
Uemoto Shinji
Department Of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery And Transplantation Kyoto University
Inui Ken‐ichi
Kyoto Univ. Hospital Kyoto Jpn
Takahashi Kazushige
National Cancer Center
Takada Yasutsugu
Department Of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery And Transplantation Kyoto University
Inui Ken-ichi
Department Of Pharmacy Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University Hospital Kyoto University
Masuda Satohiro
Department Of Radiation Oncology And Image-applied Therapy Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medic
Hosohata Keiko
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital
Kamoto Toshiyuki
Department Og Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Masuda Satohiro
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital
Kamba Tomomi
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Katsura Toshiya
Department Of Translational Clinical Oncology Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Katsura Toshiya
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kuwahara Tomohiro
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University
Kamoto Toshiyuki
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kato Toshihiko
Department Of Urology Toho University Of Medicine
Takahashi Kazuo
Department Of Neurology Hematology & Rheumatology Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
Tatsugami Katsunori
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Katsura Toshiya
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital Faculty Of Medicine
INUI Kenichi
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto University
Inui Ken-ichi
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental College
Masuda Satohiro
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Hospital
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