Department of Applied Physics Waseda University | 論文
- 26a-Y-6 LEED-AESによるSi(100)-Pb吸着系の研究 II
- 26a-Y-4 Si(001)上のAl薄膜の成長過程のSTM観察
- 25a-Y-10 Si(100)上金属アイランドの温度勾配によるマイグレーション
- 27a-ZB-8 TEMによるα-Ta_2O_5の相転移
- 30a-ZF-10 Si(001)の2原子層ステップのSTMによる観察
- 30a-ZF-7 Si上金属の初期成長過程のSTM観察
- 28a-ZS-13 SEMによる金属アイランドエレクトロマイグレーションの観察
- 27p-ZS-6 LEED-AESによるSi(100)-Pb吸着系の研究
- Breakdown Mechanisms and Lifetime Prediction for 90nm-node Low-power HfSiON/SiO_2 CMOSFETs
- Influences of Traps within HfSiON Bulk on Positive- and Negative-Bias Temperature Instability of HfSiON Gate Stacks
- 1.2nm HfSiON/SiON stacked gate insulators for 65nm-node MISFETs
- 表面の構造を観察する - 超高真空走査型電子顕微鏡 (UHV-SEM) -
- Surface Photoconductivity of Cadmium Sulphide modified with Magnetic Field
- Complete Assignment of Spin Domains in Antiferromagnetic NiO(100) by Photoemission Electron Microscopy and Cluster Model Calculation
- Stark and Zeeman Spectroscopies of Sm I from Metastable-State Atomic Beam Produced by Electric Discharge
- Precise g-Factor Determination of 4f^6s6p Excited States in Tm I
- Charge Ordering in α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3 by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Raman Spectral Behavior of In_Ga_xP (0
- Strain-Induced Shift of Optical Phonon Frequency in InGaP Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates
- Strain-Energy-Stabilized Growth of InGaAsP Layers on GaAs (111)A Substrates in Immiscible Region