Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Flow in a Liquid Sphere Moving with a Hypersonic Velocity in a Rarefied Gas : An Analytic Solution of Linearized Equations
- Gravitational Instabilities in a Dust-Gas Layer and Formation of Planetesimals in the Solar Nebula
- Correlation between Mode Fluctuations in a Semiconductor Laser
- Chapter 8 Efficiency of Angular Momentum Transfer by Shear Instability : Part II Formation Processes of Protostars : Origin of the Solar System
- Chapter 7 Stability of the Primordial Solar Nebula : Part II Formation Processes of Protostars : Origin of the Solar System
- Deformation and internal flow of a chondrule-precursor molten sphere in a shocked nebular gas
- Flow in a Liquid Sphere Moving with a Hypersonic Velocity in a Rarefied Gas : An Analytic Solution of Linearized Equations
- New Radioactivity 43-min Yttrium-84
- Freezing Heat Transfer within Water-Saturated Porous Media
- Spin Relaxation on Yttrium Iron Garnet near Curie Temperature Studied by High Frequency Magnetic Susceptibility
- Chlorine NMR in the Re-Entrant Spin-Glass State of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional XY System Rb_2Mn_Cr_xCl_4
- Semiclassical Quantization and Periodic Orbits of Dispersing Billiards
- Spectrum of Cosmic Ray Produced Neutrons
- Molecular Friction due to a Small Number of Motor Proteins in a Characean Motility Assay System
- High Resolution Study of the g_ Isobaric Analogue State in ^Cu
- Spins and Parities of ^K Levels Observed in the ^Ca(p,d)^Ca(IAS) Reaction
- Statistical Properties of Eigenfunctions for Quantum Billiards with and without Positive Lyapunov Exponent
- Wavelength Stabilization of Dual-Wavelength Oscillation in Electronically Tuned Ti:Al2O3 Laser
- Investigation on the Possible Electric Field Effect and Surface Morphology of a YBCO/CeO_2/Au MIS Diode (Special Issue on High-Temperature Superconducting Electronics)
- Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Phase-Locking in High-T_c Josephson Junction Arrays (Special Issue on Basic Properties and Applications of Superconductive Electron Devices)