Department of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute of Technology | 論文
- D104 イネキシン(ギャップ結合関連タンパク)の組織内局在(形態学 組織学)
- The Motility of Hepatic Ito Cells Can Be Acquired by Their Myofibroblastic Transformation
- Amino Acid Sequences of Trypsin Inhibitors from Oriental Pickling Melon (Cucumis melo L. var. Conomon MAKINO) Seeds
- Phenotypic stability of the P-M system in wild populations of Drosophila melanogaster
- Electron-Phonon Coupling Constant of BaPb_Bi_xO_3 as Estimated from the McMillan Equation
- Pressure Effects on Electronic Structure and Magentism of Cu_2Sb-Type Compound Mn_2Sb
- Regulation of Food Intake in the Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora BOISDUVAL (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)
- Specific Heat and Superconductivety in BaPb_Bi_xO_3
- Ultrastructure and Life Cycle of the Symbionts in a Homopteran Insect, Anomoneura mori SCHWARTZ (Psyllidae)
- Full-size P and KP elements Predominate in wild Drosophila melanogaster
- Different effect of oxytocin on membrane potential of supraoptic oxytocin neurons in virgin female and male rats in vitro
- Quantum Effect on Helium Adsorbed in Y Zeolite : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : He in Restricted Geometry
- Duplicated alkaline phosphatase genes in the wild silkworm Bombyx mandarina inhabiting Japan : phylogenetic relationship to the orthologs in Bombyx mori
- Age-dependent interactive changes in serotonergic and noradrenergic cortical axon terminals in F344 rats
- Effects of BDNF infusion on the axon terminals of locus coeruleus neurons of aging rats
- Morphological plasticity and rearrangement of cytoskeletons in pituicytes cultured from adult rat neurohypophysis
- Localization of fibroinase in the silk gland of domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, wild silkmoths, Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea pernyi studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy
- Functional, Metabolic, and Histological Changes of Vascular Tissues after Warm Ischemia
- Measurement of Effect of Space Environment on Biological Samples at Space Shuttle Flight (STS-79)
- PreparatIon of BIological Samples Used In Realtime Radiation Monitoring Device at 2nd International Mlcrogravity Laboratory Mission (IML-2)