Department of Agricultural Chemistry Kyoto University | 論文
- NITROGEN-FIXING MICROORGANISMS IN PADDY SOILS XV : Nitrogen Fixation in a Mixed Culture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (R. capsulatus) with Other Heterotrophic Bacteria (5) : Association with Azotobacter agilis
- NITROGEN-FIXING MICROORGANISMS IN PADDY SOILS XIV : Nitrogen Fixation in Mixed Culture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (R. capsulatus species) with Other Heterotrophic Bacteria (4) : Association with B. megaterium
- NITROGEN-FIXING MICROORGANISMS IN PADDY SOILS XIII : Nitrogen Fixation in Mixed Culture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (R. capsulatus species) with Other Heterotrophic Becteria (3) : Association with B. subtilis
- Novel Specificities of Mucor hiemalis Endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase Acting Complex Asparagine-Linked Oligosaccharides
- Efficient Conversion of Dinitrile to Mononitrile-Monocarboxylic Acid by Corynebacteriu sp. C5 Cells during Tranexamic Acid Synthesis
- B102 エクダイソン類と脱皮ホルモン様活性を示すジベンゾイルヒドラジン類の 3 次元定量的構造活性相関解析(CoMFA 解析)
- モロッコ北東部,ベニ・ボウ・イフロール スカルン型磁鉄鉱鉱床の鉱物学,地球科学および生成年代
- Characteristics of an Optical Filter Composed of Two Vertically Coupled Microring Resonators(Optoelectronics)
- Temperature Dependence of Photothermal Divergence Signal of GaAs
- Formation of γ-Glutamylglycylglycine by Extracellular Glutaminase of Aspergillus oryzae
- γ-Glutamyltranspeptidase Activity and the Properties of the Extracellular Glutaminase from Aspergillus oryzae(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Induction and Purification of α-L-Fucosidase from Fusarium oxysporum(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Inactivation of the E-Cadherin Gene in Primary Gastric Carcinomas and Gastric Carcinoma Cell Lines
- Induction of Avenanthramides in Oat Leaves Inoculated with Crown Rust Fungus, Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae
- Structure of Porriolide, a New Metabolite from Alternaria porri
- Isolation and Identification of 6-(3', 3'-Dimethylallyloxy)-4-methoxy-5-methylphthalide from Alternaria porri
- 農薬の分子設計研究におけるコンピュ-タ-支援技術の応用 (分子設計最前線)
- 昆虫培養表皮系によるアセチルグルコサミンの取り込みに及ぼす生合成阻害剤の効果(有機化学・天然物化学-農薬-)
- GABA受容体/イオノフォア複合体に作用する医薬・農薬 (1987年の化学-9-)
- 昆虫の脱皮を阻害する殺虫剤 (1986年の化学-3-)