Department Of Veterinary Anatomy Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University | 論文
- Energy Loss Electron Spectrometric Analysis of the Histochemical Reaction Products II. : Calcium-pyroantimonate.
- Perinatal development of the rat kidney : Apoptosis and epidermal growth factor
- Uterine Natural Killer Cells in Perforin and β_2-Microglobulin Deficient Mice(Anatomy)
- Histological Study of Granulated Metrial Gland (GMG) Cells in Beige (DA-bg/bg) Rats
- Localization of Interleukin-6 Receptor mRNA in the Pregnant and Non-pregnant Mouse Uterus
- Differentiation and Elimination of Uterine Natural Killer Cells in Delayed Implantation and Parturition Mice
- Involvement of the Fas Ligand and Fas System in Apoptosis Induction of Mouse Uterine Natural Killer Cells
- Intracellular Localization of Migration Inhibitory Factor-Related Protein (MRP) and Detection of Cell Surface MRP Binding Sites on Human Leukemia Cell Lines^1
- Hepatic histopathology of a vitamin A overdose in mouse liver
- Cytochemical Localization of Ca^-, Mg^-ATPase on the Limiting Membrane of Peroxisomes Isolated from Renal Tubules of Rats
- No effect of voluntary exercise on ovarian follicle in rats
- A Simplified Method of Staining Vitamin A Lipid Droplets in Stellate Cells at the Light and Electron Microscopic Levels
- ホッキョクグマ(Ursus maritimus),ヒグマ(Ursus arctos)およびジャイアントパンダ(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)の橈側種子骨に関する比較解剖学的検討
- Electron Microscopic Enzyme Cytochemistry of the Inductive Effect of Colchicine on the Hepatic Alkaline Phosphatase
- Apoptosis of Rat Uterine NK Cells In Vitro
- X-ray microanalysis of reaction products of ZIO staining in neurohypophysis of the rat
- Agrin Pathway is Controlled by Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) in Murine Implantation
- Upregulation of Indian Hedgehog Gene in the Uterine Epithelium by Leukemia Inhibitory Factor During Mouse Implantation
- IGF-I過剰発現はマウス胎盤形成期に流産を引き起こす
- Isolation of Granulated Metrial Gland Cells, a Uterine Form of Natural Killer Cell, by Magnetic Immunobeads/Particles