Department Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Juntendo University | 論文
- 27.肺非小細胞癌の放射線治療における有効な照射法の検討 : 第98回日本肺癌学会関東支部会
- 1. 進行性食道癌に対する Full Dose 照射後の手術に関する検討(第45回食道疾患研究会)
- Comparison of ^Tc-tetrofosmin uptakes on planar images with those in excised rats organs
- Intracellular lipid accumulation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver
- 高CT値を呈したepidermoid : 症例と内容液の蛋白・脂質分析
- 3D-CT Angiography of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases using a Linac System:Evaluation of Initial Local Response by Imaging
- Usefulness and Problems of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using a Linear Accelerator
- MR Images of Ovarian Carcinosarcoma
- MRI Findings of Multiple Gliomas: Differentiation from Multiple Metastatic Brain Tumors
- Comparison of 4MV photon surface dose among Varian, Siemens, and Elekta linear accelerators for tangential breast treatment : a phantom study
- Outcome of Breast-Conserving Therapy in the Tokyo Women's Medical University Breast Cancer Society Experience
- Rationale and Design of the Carotid Plaque in Human for All Evaluations With Aggressive Rosuvastatin Therapy (CHALLENGER Trial) : Evaluation by Magnetic Resonance Imaging(Imaging)
- Phlebosclerotic colitis
- Omental Torsion with Right-sided Inguinal Hernia
- Unexpected accumulation of thallium-201 in bilateral thalamic venous infarction induced by arteriovenous fistula in the posterior fossa : Report of a case
- Radiotherapy under Informed Consent Report ofa Long - Term Survivor of Advanced Esophageal Cancer
- Usefulness of thallium-201 SPECT imaging for the evaluation of local recurrence of colorectal cancer
- Radiotherapy with Concurrent Docetaxel for Advanced and Recurrent Breast Cancer