Department Of Physics Kwansei Gakuin University | 論文
- Quantization for Regge Slopes and ψ-Particles
- Schwarzian Derivative in the Krichever-Novikov Algebra
- N=1 and 2 Superstrings as Supertopological Models on Higher-Genus Super Riemann Surfaces : Particles and Fields
- エレクトロニクス産業の研究開発投資と収益性
- Order-Parameter Expansion of Free Energy and Its Application to Some Models with First and Second Order Phase Transitions
- Transition Amplitudes in Perturbation Theory and Dyson's Integral Representation
- Reggeization of Particles with Identical Quantum Numbers
- Operator Formalism of the Dual Resonance Model with Different Trajectories
- Theory of Sinusoidal Antiferroelectricity in Thiourea
- Lattice Dynamical Theory of Sinusoidal Antiferroelectricity in Thiourea
- Regge-Slope Quantization and Deep-Region Behavior in Dual Resonance Models
- Electromagnetic Properties of the Kaluza-Klein String
- Barger and Cline's Rule and Bound States of Dirac Particle
- Super-Quasi-Conformal Transformation and Schiffer Variation on Super-Riemann Surface : General and Mathematical Physics
- Higgs Scalar Fields and Discrete Symmetry
- Generalized BRST Operators as Extended Maurer-Cartan Forms on Coadjoint Orbits : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Theory on Discrete Spaces without Recourse to Non-Commutative Geometry
- Derivatives of Baryon Trajectories at W=0
- Block Mean Field Method in Lattice Gauge Theories
- Freeze-In Transition of Anharmonic Oscillator System with Quenched Random Interactions