Department Of Physics Kwansei Gakuin University | 論文
- Meson-Mass Generation by Instantons
- QCD Vacuum in the Strong External Fields
- Color-Magnetic Permeability of QCD Vacuum
- The Weinberg Angle in the Unified Theory of All Elementary-Particle Forces
- Unity of Weak, Electromagnetic and Strong Interactions in Superconductivity Model
- Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Superconductivity Model
- Schwarzian Derivative and Connection in Krichever Novikov Algebra : Progress Letters
- Supergauge Algebra and Interaction between Open and Closed Strings
- Eigenchannels and Unitary Separation of Background Parts in Regge-Pole Theory
- Brans-Dicke Theory and Discrete Symmetry
- Derivation of the Virasoro Conditions in the String Model
- Quantum Theory in Pseudo-Hilbert Space
- Dual Models of Weak Interactions of Leptons and Quarks
- Test of Duality Based on "Khuri" Amplitudes
- Field Theory of Dual-Resonance Model
- The μ^-p Resonance and Duality in Weak Processes
- Existence of μ^* and Duality in Weak Processes
- Structural Phase Transition to a Lower-Symmetry Phase with Increasing Temperature : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- The q-Number Schwinger Term and the Breakdown of the Associative Law for Current Operators
- Lepton-Baryon Resonances and Duality in Weak Processes