Department Of Metallurgy And Ceramics Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology | 論文
- 腐食疲労の除荷過程における電流応答に及ぼすき裂閉口の影響
- モルタルの欠陥部に生じる塩害あるいは中性化による鉄筋腐食の形態と速度
- 弱アルカリ性炭酸塩水溶液中における銅のアノード溶解機構 : チャンネルフロー電極法による検討
- 電解液薄膜下における酸素還元 -酸素の溶解と拡散速度の測定-
- 腐食と表面処理
- 鉄不働態皮膜のカソード還元における鉄中への水素吸収
- リサイクル用スクラップ鋼材の湿式処理-銅および亜鉛の除去と回収-
- 非定常法による鉄鋼中の水素の侵入/透過量の解析
- フィリピン腐食協会(PhiCS)設立大会および今後の交流について
- Quality Improvement by Annealing for Flash-evaporated Thin InSb Films
- Preparation and Magnetooptical Properties of AIN-Fe Granular Film : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Hysteresis Loops and Microstructures of Fe/Ag Multilayer Films
- Structures and Magnetic Properties of Fe/Co Multilayer Films Prepared by DC Sputtering
- Effects of Ca and Zr additions and stoichiometry on the electrical properties of barium titanate-based ceramics
- Cation distribution and piezoelectric properties of aluminum substituted La3Ta0.5Ga5.5O14 single crystals
- Analysis on dipole polarization of BaTiO3-based ferroelectric ceramics by Raman spectroscopy
- The influence of metal/perovskite-type oxide interfaces on tunability of thin film capacitors
- Controlling factors of film-thickness in improved aerosol deposition method
- Heat-cycle endurance and in-plane thermal expansion of Al_2O_3/Al substrates formed by aerosol deposition method
- Influence of Bi-perovskites on the piezoelectric properties of (K_Na_)NbO_3-based lead free ceramics