Department Of Marine Bioscience Fukui Prefectural University | 論文
- 日本のイトヨ自然集団における嗅覚受容体遺伝子ファミリーの適応進化 (総特集 日本在来魚における適応的分化)
- Genetic variability and stock structure of red tilefish Branchiostegus japonicus inferred from mtDNA sequence analysis
- 分子遺伝マーカーを用いて外来生物の侵入生態を探る : 生態系管理への適用可能性(生物学的侵入の分子生態学)
- PA-01 Dynamic analysis of the toxic population of the bloom-forming cyanobacterial Microcystis aeruginosa(Aquatic ecosystem,Poster presentation A)
- Development and Application of Quantitative Detection of Cyanophages Phylogenetically Related to Cyanophage Ma-LMM01 Infecting Microcystis aeruginosa in Fresh Water
- Quantitative Detection of Toxic Strains of the Cyanobacterial Genus Microcystis by Competitive PCR
- Rapid DNA Extraction from a Bloom-forming Cyanobacterium
- Detection and 16S rDNA Sequence Analysis of a Bloom-forming Cyanobacterial Genus Microcystis
- Evaluation of the population structure of Anguilla bicolor bicolor using total number of vertebrae and the mtDNA control region
- Genetic variation in the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of the Japanese conger Conger myriaster
- Gene rearrangement around the control region in the mitochondrial genoma of conger eel Conger myriaster
- 日本, 韓国, 中国産シジミ類のmtDNA16S rDNA塩基配列分析による判別
- ミトコンドリアSNP標識で追跡した放流琵琶湖産アユの行方
- Real-Time PCR Detection of Host-Mediated Cyanophage Gene Transcripts during Infection of a Natural Microcystis aeruginosa Population
- Comprehensive Detection of Phototrophic Sulfur Bacteria Using PCR Primers That Target Reverse Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase Gene
- Genetic population structure of a reef goby, Bathygobius cocosensis, in the northwestern Pacific
- 魚類における嗅覚系の適応および進化の分子機構 : 嗅覚受容体遺伝子ファミリーに着目して
- 琉球列島におけるタウナギの形質特性および現在の生息状況
- ミトコンドリア全ゲノムデータによる系統推定 (生物進化の分子マップ) -- (ミトコンドリア)
- PCR法を用いた琵琶湖産野生型コイのミトコンドリアDNAの簡易識別法