Department Of Diagnostic Imaging Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine | 論文
- 0229 PETによる高血圧患者の心筋血流予備能の評価 : 心肥大の及ぼす影響について
- PDI-7 左室壁へのアプローチ : 核医学的検査 : PETとSPECT
- 1112 ^Cu-PTSMによる安静時心筋血流評価の妥当性
- 1111 心筋血流と糖代謝による心筋viabilityの評価 : 血行再建術前後の壁運動との対比検討
- 0378 エネルギー代謝から見た^I-BMIPP心筋無集積例の病態 : PETによる検討
- 虚血性心疾患におけるTlとBMIPPの心筋内分布の定量的解析の試み
- 4 Endovascular Repair with the Inoue Stentgraft for Abdominal and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms(Stent-graft for Aortic aneurysms and Dissections:results of clinical application, indication, recent advancement, and future perspective,Meet the Expert 2
- Difference in Myocardial Flow Reserve Between Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Those With Dilated Phase of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : Evaluation by ^O-Water PET
- Comparison of myocardial blood flow induced by adenosine triphosphate and dipyridamole in patients with coronary artery disease
- 心臓のイメージング : 核医学からMRI, MDCTまで
- The current role of Nuclear Medicine
- PE-505 Arterial Stiffness is Associated with Left Ventricular Mass in Diabetic Patients(Hypertension, clinical-06, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 心電図同期SPECT
- Improvement of Regional Myocardial and Coronary Blood Flow Reserve in a Patient Treated With Enhanced External Counterpulsation : Evaluation by Nitrogen-13 Ammonia PET
- 肥大型心筋症(脂肪酸代謝計測の診断的意義)