Department Of Computer Science Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University | 論文
- 脂肪抑制法を用いた微小乳腺腫瘍の1.5TプロトンMRスペクトロスコピー
- 学習管理システムを活用した信号処理教育(音声・言語・音響教育,一般)
- ネットワーク環境と学習管理システムを活用した音響信号処理教育(大学における音響教育の現状)
- 両耳信号を用いた矢状面座標系に基づく音源方向推定 : 象限分割による方向推定精度向上について
- 非同期マルチチャネル信号を用いた単語音声認識のための信号強調 : NTPによるチャネル間同期法の検討
- Howling canceler for a hearing assistant system based on interaural level difference
- Pitch detection using real-time processing system based on the cluster system
- Analysis of moving sound sources : Separation of multiple sources
- Configurable and Reconfigurable Computing for Digital Signal Processing(Special Section on the Trend of Digital Signal Processing and Its Future Direction)
- An Analysis of the AVL Balanced Tree Insertion Algorithm
- Severity of Neurological Disorders in Elderly Residents of a Farming Town in Kyushu, Japan; Prevalence of Disability in Activities of Daily Living
- Speech encryption system with a low bit rate coding algorithm for analogue transmission line
- 通常教室での授業でLMSを利用するための2つの追加機能の開発
- A Signal Enhancement Method Using the Iterative Blind Deconvolution for Microphone Array System (Special Section on Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Analysis of Acoustical and Vibrational Signals)
- An Approximate Analysis of the AVL Balanced Tree Insertion Algorithm(Special Issue on Generation Database Technology for Internet, Multimedia and Mobile computing)
- A New Analysis of Hashing Algorithm for External Searching
- An Alternative Analysis of Linear Probing Hashing with Buckets
- An Alternative Analysis of Dynamic Hashing Algorithms
- An Alternative Analysis of Spiral Hashing Algorithm(Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- An Alternative Analysis of the Algorithm for Separate Chaining Technique of the Hashing Method