Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Shizuoka University | 論文
- Thermoluminescence and Optical Absorption of NaBr:S^ Crystals
- Fabrication of Au Fine Patterns by Ar Sputter Etching Using MoO_3 Mask
- Application of MoO_3 Electron Resist to Lift-Off Process
- MoO_3 Electron Resist and Its Application to Fabrication of Mo Fine Pattern
- αB-crystallin : A novel p53-target gene required for p53-dependent apoptosis
- Studies in Bioactive Marine Alkaloids
- Structure-Activity Relationship of Norzoanthamine Exhibiting Significant Inhibition of Osteoporosis
- Kinetic Stability of Gold Fullerenes and the 2(N + 1)^2 Rule
- Bond Resonance Energy as an Indicator of Local Aromaticity
- Magnetic Resonance Energy and Aromaticity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dianions/Dications
- Interpretation of 'π Energy'and Its Linear Additivity in Polyenes
- A Reason of Linear Additivity of 'π Energy' in Polyenes
- 電子が拓いた化学の新時代--ヒュッケル分子軌道法が果たした役割 (特集 化学の1900年代--次世代に語り継ぐべきこと)
- 化学 基礎の基礎--芳香族性とは
- ワシントン大学は2つある
- 中国へ渡った日本の化学用語
- サッカ-ボ-ル型分子C60の天文学
- 夢の新物質C60とはどんな分子か (サッカ-ボ-ル分子C60)
- 芳香族性とは一体なにか (芳香族化学の新展開)
- A Novel Ruthenium-Quinonoid Complex. Structural, Spectroscopic, and Electrochemical Characterization of Ruthenium(II) Bis(2,2'-bipyridine) Chloranilate