Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Yamagata University | 論文
- 東北地方に生息するニホンイノシシ集団へのブタ遺伝子浸透
- グァテマラクロベニシジミの生活史
- Impacts of alien bees on native plant-pollinator relationships: A review with special emphasis on plant reproduction
- 山形県と近隣山系におけるツキノワグマの集団構造の解明
- Mycorrhizal symbiosis and evolution of myco-Heterotrophy in plants
- Fibroblast Growth Factor May Regulate the Initiation of Oocyte Growth in the Developing Ovary of the Medaka, Oryzias Latipes
- 水生無セキツイ動物軟体部の光量子放射化分析(II. 放射化学)
- 水性無セキツイ動物の光量子放射化分析(1)節足動物甲殻類
- Harding-Passey マウス・メラノーマよりメラノソーム・チロシナーゼの大量精製
- Combined Surgical and Endovascular Treatment of Infected Pseudoaneurysm After Carotid Endarterectomy : Case Report
- Frontal Lobe Infarction Due to Hemodynamic Change after Surgical Revascularization in Moyamoya Disease : Two Case Reports
- Telemedicine in Neurosurgery Using Internetional Digital Telephone Services Between Japan and Malaysia : Technical Note
- Immunohistochemical study of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in acute liver injury induced by Propionibacterium acnes and lipopolysaccharide in rats
- ニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)の肝臓に含まれる微量金属元素の光量子放射化分析
- Photon Activation Analysis of Trace Metals in the Livers and Muscles of the Japanese Sika Deer(Cervus Nippon)
- Low-intensity ultrasound adjuvant therapy : enhancement of doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity and the acoustic mechanisms involved
- Construction of artificial promoters sensitively responsive to sonication in vitro
- 28S rDNA配列によるアニキス亜科3種の種判別
- 海産カイアシ類を用いた28S _rRNA遺伝子のPCR増幅法と海中デトライタスに含まれるカイアシ類由来のDNA検出への応用
- シュンラン属(ラン科)の分子系統と形質進化