Department Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- A case of systemic lupus erythematosus with various central and pripheral neurological disorders developed with motor paralytic bladder as a major manifestation
- Effect of Post-Processing Treatments on Improvement of the Taste of Silicone Rubber for Beverage Use
- Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies at z * 1 Revealed from a Large, Multicolor Sample of Extremely Red Objects
- ASTE CO (3-2) Observations of the Southern Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 986 : a Large Gaseous Bar Filled with a Dense Molecular Medium
- Meningioma Associated With Werner Syndrome
- Suzaku X-Ray Spectroscopy of a Peculiar Hot Star in the Galactic Center Region
- Subaru Prime Focus Camera : Suprime-Cam
- Development of Iodine Cells for Subaru HDS and Okayama HIDES. III : An Improvement on the Radial-Velocity Measurement Technique
- Candidates for Intracluster Planetary Nebulae in the Virgo Cluster Based on the Suprime-Cam Narrow-Band Imaging in [O III] and Hα
- Scanning Electron Microscope Observation of Leaf Surface of Hydrangea macrophylla
- SuprimeCam Observation of Sporadic Meteors during Perseids 2004
- Synchronization of 1064 and 1319nm Pulses Emitted from Actively Mode-Locked Nd:YAG Lasers and Its Application to 589nm Sum-Frequency Generation
- Photometric Studies of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova Candidate, ASAS 160048-4846.2
- Discovery of a Strongly Lensed Galaxy at z = 3.9 behind a z = 0.83 Galaxy Cluster
- Detection of IL-2 Receptor Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood from Renal Transplant Patients
- "Geological survey in southern to eastern peninsular India, 1996"
- Initial Helioseismic Observations by Hinode/SOT
- Observations of Sunspot Oscillations in G Band and Ca II H Line with Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode
- Theory of Core-Exciton Effect for Resonant Auger Electron Spectrum in La-Compounds
- Quantification of Retinal Nerve Fiber Defects in Glaucoma : Three-Dimensional Analysis by Heidelberg Retina Tomograph