Discovery of a Strongly Lensed Galaxy at z = 3.9 behind a z = 0.83 Galaxy Cluster
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2005-12-25
二間瀬 敏史
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
TANAKA Masayuki
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
KODAMA Tadayuki
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Umetsu Keiichi
Academia Sinica Inst. Of Astronomy And Astrophysics (asiaa) Taipei Twn
Umetsu Keiichi
Institute Of Astronomy And Astrophysics Academia Sinica
Kawai N
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
FUTAMASE Toshifumi
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
Tadayuki Kodama
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
ニ間瀬 敏史
HOSHI Takako
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Tanaka Ichi
Subaru Telescope National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Futamase Toshifumi
Department Of Physics Hirosaki University
Futamase Toshifumi
Astronomical Institute Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Ichikawa Takashi
Subaru Telescope National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Tanaka Masayuki
Department Of Surgery Saga University Faculty Of Medicine
Tanaka Masayuki
Department Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Kawai Nobuyuki
High Energy Accelerator Res. Organization (kek) Ibaraki
Tanaka Ichi
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Hi Usa
Tanaka Masayuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Utsunomiya University
FUTAMASE Toshifumi
Department of aeronautical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Kyoto University
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- 28aGS-1 スペース重力波アンテナDECIGO計画(30) : 設計・計画(28aGS 重力波(DECIGOなど),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
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- 20p-J-6 ブラックホールの量子論的な毛
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- 宇宙論における点としての銀河--宇宙原理の検証 (特集 点,粒子,場--その数理と物理イメージ)
- Statistics of QSO Lensing and Cosmological Parameters
- 重力レンズの基礎(重力レンズ現象とHigh-Redshift宇宙,研究会報告)
- Chapter 2 Post-Newtonian Approximation : Its Foundation and Applications
- M. Visser, Lorentzian Wormholes; From Einstein to Howking, American Institute of Physcis, Woodbury, 1995, xxiii+412p., 24×16cm, \11,250 [大学院向]
- ふぁんたじっく量子宇宙論-3-「始まり」はまだ謎だらけ
- ふぁんたじっく量子宇宙論-2-すべては確率でしか語れない
- ふぁんたじっく量子宇宙論-1-絶対的な運動は存在しない
- On the Validity of the Cosmological Lens Equation in General Relativity
- はじまりのはじまり (時間を旅する)
- タイムマシンづくり (時間を旅する)
- 重力と量子力学 (新展開をみせる相対論)
- General Relativistic Description of a Realistic Inhomogeneous Universe
- Cryogenic Volume-Phase Holographic Grisms for MOIRCS
- 時間の矢 (対称性とその破れ)
- 重力波放出の問題 (重力波--宇宙を見る新しい目)
- 相対論と時間 (時間の発見--物理時間生物時間)
- 時間の矢 (保存則と破れ)
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- 26aBE-1 大型低温重力波望遠鏡(KAGRA)プロジェクトの現状(3)(26aBE 重力波(KAGRA),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 27aTL-1 大型低温重力波望遠鏡(KAGRA)プロジェクトの現状(27aTL 重力波(KAGRA),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)