Department Of Anesthesia Kyoto University Hospital | 論文
- Classification of the sleeping pattern of normal adults
- Core temperature pattern and self-rated lifestyle
- Dual-Ion Conducting Lithium Zirconate-Based Membranes for High Temperature CO_2 Separation
- Perioperative respiratory complications caused by cystic lung malformation in Proteus syndrome
- Difficult pulmonary artery catheterization caused by an interluminal leak
- Permeation properties of PMMA and silica particles through MF membranes in dead-end mode
- Gene Cloning of Cellobiohydrolase II from the White Rot Fungus Irpex lacteus MC-2 and Its Expression in Pichia pastoris
- Anesthesia with sevoflurane, but not isoflurane, prolongs bleeding time in humans
- Nociceptin receptor antagonist JTC-801 inhibits nitrous oxide-induced analgesia in mice
- Effect of single-dose dexmedetomidine on emergence agitation and recovery profiles after sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatric ambulatory surgery
- Nocturnal episodic hypoxemia after ambulatory breast cancer surgery : comparison of sevoflurane and propofol-fentanyl anesthesia
- Delayed discharge and acceptability of ambulatory surgery in adult outpatients receiving general anesthesia
- Involvement of the κ-opioid receptor in nitrous oxide-induced analgesia in mice
- Enhanced Oxygen Permeation through a Porous Glass Membrane Containing Phthalocyanato- and Porphyrinato-Cobalt Complexes as an Oxygen Carrier
- Onset of vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block after a long priming interval
- Electrical Stimulation-Evoked Release of Endogenous Taurine from Slices of the Hippocampus, Cerebral Cortex and Cerebellum of the Rat
- Recognition of sleep paralysis among normal adults in Canada and in Japan
- New Enzyme Reactor with Forced Flow of the Substrate through an Enzyme Immobilized Ceramic Membrane(Food & Nutrition)
- High Oxygen Permeation and Persistent Oxygen-Carrying in a Poly(vinylimidazole-co-fluoroalkyl methacrylate)- Cobaltporphyrin Membrane
- Crossflow Ultrafiltration Properties of Monodisperse Nanoparticle Suspensions in Laminar Flow