Department Of Anatomy School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University | 論文
- Highly specific detection of H_2O_2-dependent luminol chemiluminescence in stimulated human leukocytes using polyvinyl films
- 乳歯象牙質の無機質における生化学的検討
- Noncontact Monitoring of Surface Temperature Distribution by Laser Ultrasound Scanning
- Cytochemical energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy of mitochondrial free radical formation in paraquat cytotoxicity
- Clinical manifestations and effects of primary percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with delayed pre-hospital time in acute myocardial infarction
- Aqueous Preparation of Highly Luminescent CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals through Photochemical Processing
- 口唇顎裂, 口唇顎口蓋裂患者上気道のCT画像三次元構築による計測・評価
- Enhanced Cardiovascular Protective Effects of Valsartan in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy : Sub-Analysis of the KYOTO HEART Study
- 愛知学院大学楠元キャンパス教職員の喫煙状況と社会的ニコチン依存度
- 上顎側切歯は中切歯が大きいときに退化するか
- Introduction to the Proceedings of the Symposium, "Deciduous Teeth in Dental Anthropology"
- 歯年齢別上下顎頬小帯の形態・位置の左右差について
- An early Late Cretaceous mammal from Japan, with reconsideration of the evolution of tribosphenic molars
- Morphological variation of large Japanese field mice, Apodemus speciosus on the Izu and Oki Islands
- Morphological variation of mice, Mus musculus on the Ogasawara Islands, and their relationship to those on the Izu Islands, Japan
- Morphometric variation of house mice (Mus musculus) on the Izu Islands
- Controlling Mechanism of Ignition Enhancing and Suppressing Additives in Premixed Compression Ignition(HCCI, Effect of Fuel and Additives)
- 2型糖尿病発症ラットの摂食制限下における中空性インプラント内の骨形成能
- Two-Dimensional Analysis of a Flow in an MPD Thruster
- 根未完成乳中切歯の歯根破折を整復固定した一例