Departmcnt of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University | 論文
- Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the fluorescence and the C550 absorption change of spinach chloroplast fragments
- Oxidation-reduction reactions between electron transfer components and hydrogen peroxide in photosystem II of chloroplasts
- The Association of Ascorbate and Ascorbate Oxidase in the Apoplast with IAA-Enhanced Elongation of Epicotyls from Vigna angularis : GROWTH AND DEVELTOPMENT : GENES STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION
- Participation of Peroxidase in the Metabolism of 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine and Hydrogen Peroxide In Vacuoles of Vicia faba L. Mesophyll Cells
- Changes Induced by Abscisic Acid and Light in the Redox State of Ascorbate in the Apoplast of Epicotyls of Vigna angularis : GROWTH AND DEVELTOPMENT : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES