College of Science and Technology, NIHON UNIVERSITY | 論文
- Separatrix Shape of Field-Reversed Configurations
- Triterpene Alcohol and Fatty Acid Composition of Shea Nuts from Seven African Countries
- Melanogenesis Inhibitory Activities of Iridoid-, Hemiterpene-, and Fatty Acid-glycosides from the Fruits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni)
- Melanogenesis Inhibitory, Anti-Inflammatory, and Chemopreventive Effects of Limonoids from the Seeds of Azadirachta indicia A. Juss. (Neem)
- A novel DNA topoisomerase inhibitor : dehydroebriconic acid, one of the lanostane-type triterpene acids from Poria cocos
- Dehydrotrametenonic Acid and Dehydroeburiconic Acid from Poria cocos and Their Inhibitory Effects on Eukaryotic DNA Polymerase α and β
- Astertarone A : A Triterpenoid Ketone Isolated from the Roots of Aster tataricus L.
- Biodegradation of Bisphenol A by Cultured Cells of Caragana chamlagu(Organic Chemistry)
- Biotransformation of Cycloalkanediones by Caragana chamlagu
- Excitation of Coherent Spin Waves in GdFeCo film(Magnetism and Spin Dynamics)
- Atom-Nucleus Hybrid State of ^9_ΣBe
- How Do Neutrinos Propagate? : Wave-Packet Treatment of Neutrino Oscillation
- Clustering in Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter in Low-Density Region
- Effects of Boride Former Elements on Recovery and Recrystallization of Reverse-transformed Austenite in Fe-19%Ni Alloy
- Tetranuclear Ru Complex Linked via Redox-Active Azobis(bipyridine) Ligands as a Redox-Responsive Photoswitch
- Crystal Structure Consisting Both of Segregated and Mixed Donor-Acceptor Columns
- Behavior of Ruthenium Trisbipyridine-Anthraquinone Conjugates Connected with Alkyl Spacers in Homogeneous and Microheterogeneous Media
- Ruthenium Complexes Containing an Azobipyridine Ligand as Redox-Responsive Molecular Switches
- Time-domain analysis of plasmon modes in metallic nanospheres (レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス)
- (フォトニック NW・デバイス,フォトニック結晶・ファイバとその応用,光集積回路,光導波路素子,光スイッチング,導波路解析,及び一般)