College Of Science And Technology Nihon University | 論文
- Ruthenium Complexes Containing an Azobipyridine Ligand as Redox-Responsive Molecular Switches
- A New Class of Metal-Dependent Selective Anion Carrier. PH-Controlled Up-Hill Transport of SCN ̄ by Formation of Transition-Metal Complex
- Time-domain analysis of plasmon modes in metallic nanospheres (レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス)
- (フォトニック NW・デバイス,フォトニック結晶・ファイバとその応用,光集積回路,光導波路素子,光スイッチング,導波路解析,及び一般)
- Time-domain analysis of plasmon modes in metallic nanospheres (フォトニックネットワーク)
- Emission spectra and invariant masses of Λ and proton in the stopped-K^-NN absorption process in ^4He and ^6Li : Comments on the Oset-Toki and Magas-Oset-Ramos-Toki procedures(Hadrons at finite density)
- Astertarone B, a Hydroxy-Triterpenoid Ketone from the Roots of Aster tataricus L.
- Cycloarta-16,24-dien-3β-ol : Revised Structure of Cimicifugenol, a Cycloartane Triterpenoid
- Structural and Magnetization Properties of Island FePt Produced by Rapid Thermal Annealing
- Relative Safety of Anterior Microsurgical Decompression Versus Laminoplasty for Cervical Myelopathy With a Massive Ossified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
- Mechanical properties of the femur filled with calcium phosphate cement under torsional loading : a model in rabbits
- Peripheral Administration of Magnesium Sulfate and Ketamine Hydrochloride Produces Hypesthesia to Mechanical Stimuli in Humans
- Changes of wide dynamic range neuronal responses to mechanical cutaneous stimuli following acute compression of the rat sciatic nerve
- Integrated Hologram Pickup with an Optical Waveguide Device for Magnetooptical Disk Players
- Σ-Hypernuclear Responses in ^4He(In-Flight K^-,π) Spectra
- Face-on and Columnar Porphyrin Assemblies at Solid/Liquid Interface on HOPG
- Deuterium Ice Pellet Injection during Pulsed Poloidal Current Drive Operation in Toroidal Pinch Experiment-RX Reversed-Field Pinch Device
- Results of Recognition Tests on Japanese Subjects of the Labels Presently Used in Japan and the UN-GHS Labels
- Observations of High Ion Temperatures in a Reversed Field Pinch Plasma
- Ruthenium Complexes Containing Fully Conjugated Ligands Terminated with Thiol Groups