Center For Environmental Remote Sensing Chiba University | 論文
- Calibration of the Lidar Measurement of Tropospheric Aerosol Extinction Coefficients
- Study on Indonesia aerosol by using NOAA data and sky radiometer data
- Measurement of Atmospheric NO_2 Column Density with Kitt Peak Solar Flux Atlas as a Reference
- Molecular Beam Studies of Thermal Decomposition of Glycine on Solid Surfaces
- GMS-5/SVISSRデータを用いた雲の光学的厚さに関する研究〔英文〕
- Enhanced Detection of Gas Absorption Using an Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser
- Tunable, UV Solid-State Lidar for Measurement of Nitric Oxide Distribution
- 時系列NOAA/AVHRRデータを用いた土地被覆変化傾向抽出
- マイクロパルスライダーにより観測された熱帯雲の光学的性質
- Effect of soil type on the time-course of changes in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) productivity in Tokachi District, Hokkaido, Japan(Soil Fertility)
- 第3回「リモ-トセンシングに関するアジア会議」(バングラデッシュ,ダッカ)に参加して(海外とびある記)
- 三次元測定のための人工衛星
- Landsat 衛星による水稲耕作地への水供給状態の違いによる水稲の分光特性比較研究
- Validation of Directional Wave Spectrum from SAR Image using Buoy Data
- Highly Sensitive Laser Spectroscopic Method for Measurement of Collisional Relaxation Parameters of Molecules
- Circularly Polarized Rounded-Off Triangular Microstrip Line Array Antenna(Antennas and Propagation)
- Evaluation of ASTER GDEM data as the input factor of USLE model(Poster Session,ICSANE 2011(International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2011))
- The use of remotely sensed data for estimating of rice yield(Poster Session,ICSANE 2011(International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2011))
- DInSAR Technique for Retrieving Volume Change of Volcanic Materials on Slope Area(Technical Session,ICSANE 2011(International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2011))
- An application of microwave measurement for complex dielectric constants to detecting snow and ice on road surface : Measurements with free space method; oblique incidence(Poster Session,ICSANE 2011(International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navi