Atr Interpreting Telecommunications Research Laboratories | 論文
- パターンを用いた曖昧性の検出と再確認方式
- Towards More Robust, Fault-Tolerent and User-Friendly Software Integrating Natural Language Processing Components.
- 英語と日本語のマルチモーダル会話と電話会話における言語的・非言語的差異
- 音響モデル作成のための非均一セグメント単位自動学習法
- Predicting the Next Utterance Linguistic Expressions Using Contextual Information (Special Issue on Speech and Discourse Processing in Dialogue Systems)
- Natural Language Dialogue Understanding on a Four-layer Plan Recognition Model
- Prospects for Advanced Spoken Dialogue Processing (Special Issue on Speech and Discourse Processing in Dialogue Systems)
- Speaker-Consistent Parsing for Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition
- A Unification-Based Japanese Parser for Speech-to-Speech Translation (Special Issue on Speech and Discourse Processing in Dialogue Systems)
- 複数雑音モデルを用いた風雑音除去手法(合成・生成,韻律,一般)
- Analysis of Gestures in a Multimedia/Multimodal Interpreting Experiment
- 画像知識データベースを用いたWWW画像検索システムの開発(画像検索・映像データベース)
- Earth Mover's Distanceを用いた分散型話者認識(合成・生成,韻律,一般)
- 順位統計量を用いたテキスト独立型話者照合手法(音声,聴覚)
- An Empirical Study on Rule Granularity and Unification Interleaving in Unification-Based Parsers
- Filter bank representation based on DFE
- Unsupervised Speaker Adaptation Using All-Phoneme Ergodic Hidden Markov Network
- English-Japanese Transfer within ASURA Framework
- Continuous Speech Recognition Using a Combination of Syntactic Constraints and Dependency Relationships
- An lnformation-Theoretic Model of Discourse for Next Utterance Type Prediction